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Le 13 septembre/September 13, 2024

The quarterly rebalancing of the CSE Composite Index will result in the following changes, effective after the close on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Le rééquilibrage trimestriel de l’indice composé du CSE Composite entraînera les modifications suivantes, en vigueur à la fermeture le vendredi 13 septembre 2024.


Symbol Issuer Sector
ARGL Argyle Resources Corp. Mining
AXCP Axcap Ventures Inc. Diversified Industries
BIOV BioVaxys Technology Corp. Life Sciences
BSKY BluSky Carbon Inc. Technology
BYT BYT Holdings Ltd. Diversified Industries
CPTR Captor Capital Corp Diversified Industries
CSS Cascada Silver Corp. Mining
DCSI Direct Communication Solutions Inc. Technology
EMET Canamera Energy Metals Corp. Mining
GDIG Gold Digger Resources Inc. Mining
IC IC Capitalight Corp. Diversified Industries
KING King Global Ventures Inc. Mining
LFLR LaFleur Minerals Inc. Mining
MEC Mustang Energy Corp. Mining
MILI Military Metals Corp. Mining
NPRA Nepra Foods Inc. Diversified Industries
NUE NU E Power Corp. CleanTech
NVPC Nova Pacific Metals Corp. Mining
QIMC Quebec Innovative Materials Corp. Mining
RAIN Rain City Resources Inc. Mining
RED Big Red Mining Corp. Mining
RGX Regenx Tech Corp. CleanTech
RUU Refined Energy Corp. Mining
SALI SALi Lithium Corp. Mining
SRS Sorrento Resources Ltd. Mining
STHZ StateHouse Holdings Inc Life Sciences
SXTY Sixty North Gold Mining Inc. Mining
TTX Tantalex Lithium Resources Corporation Mining
TWOH Two Hands Corporation Diversified Industries
WIN Windfall Geotek Inc. Technology
YMC Yukon Metals Corp. Mining


Symbol Issuer Sector
ACME ACME Lithium Inc. Mining
AFI Affinor Growers Inc. Life Sciences
AJN AJN Resources Inc. Mining
AMMP AmmPower Corp Technology
ARWY Arway Corporation Technology
AUMC Auric Minerals Corp. Mining
AWLI Ameriwest Lithium Inc. Mining
BBRD Blackbird Critical Metals Corp. Mining
BULL Quest Critical Metals Inc. Mining
BY Beyond Lithium Inc. Mining
CCR Green River Gold Corp. Mining
CGII CleanGo Innovations Inc. Diversified Industries
CLDV Cloud3 Ventures Inc. Diversified Industries
ERKA Eureka Lithium Corp. Mining
GAND Gander Gold Corporation Mining
HAMR Silver Hammer Mining Corp Mining
HECO Global Helium Corp. Mining
HERC Hercules Resources Corp. Mining
ICS Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc. Technology
MEGA MegaWatt Lithium and Battery Metals Corp. Mining
MESC Lophos Holdings Inc. Diversified Industries
MIRL Minera IRL Limited Mining
MYTC MyndTec Inc. Life Sciences
NERD Nerds On Site Inc. Technology
NINE Nine Mile Metals Ltd. Mining
PDO PUDO Inc. Diversified Industries
PGOL Patriot Gold Corp. Mining
RECE Resource Centrix Holdings Inc. Mining
RFLX Reflex Advanced Materials Corp. Mining
RR Recharge Resources Ltd. Mining
SEAG Seahawk Gold Corp. Mining
SKUR Sekur Private Data Ltd. Technology
SLNG SLANG Worldwide Inc. Life Sciences
SPOD Spod Lithium Corp. Mining
USCM US Critical Metals Corp. Mining
VIK Avila Energy Corporation Oil and Gas

For more information about the CSE Composite Index, including the full list of securities and the index methodology, visit the CSE website.

Pour plus d’information sur l’indice composé CSE, incluant la liste complète des titres et la méthodologie indicielle, rendez-vous sur le site Web du CSE.

Contact Information/Coordonnées

Index Management/Gestion de l’indice :

Robert Cook

Senior Vice-President Market Development/Vice-président principal du développement 

Robert.Cook@thecse.com          (416) 367-7349

Media Relations/Relations avec la presse:

Richard Carleton, CEO

Richard.Carleton@thecse.com  (416) 367-7360